Louis Betz Jr.
Founder, President of the Board
Louis Betz, Jr., a recent double lung transplant recipient, is a lobbyist with over 25 years in politics. In 2014 he began experiencing breathing difficulty, and in the following years his lung function declined (See x-ray below) and he became increasingly dependent on oxygen. Eventually he was forced to check into the hospital and he received a double lung transplant, saving his life. During his post-transplant recovery, he watched as a fellow patient died while on the transplant waiting list. After some research, Louis discovered many problems and inefficiencies in the organ sharing process. With great intentions, the groups that handle organ sharing and procurement such as UNOS, SRTR, OPOs have tried to keep the playing field fair and effective. But the general laws and procedures regarding organ giving are outdated and needs improvement. With a keen understanding of the legislative process, Louis Betz created MTML originally as a Political Committee to begin to change the laws. The first initiative was to get The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) to conduct a state wide independent study on organ transplants.  These recommended changes are currently being considered by the legislature. While still monitoring and assisting the progress in Tallahassee, Louis felt more could be done so he dissolved the Political Committee to create the not-for-profit organization and make a direct impact. Dedicated to directly assisting transplant patients, MTML formalized its transition from a political committee to a not-for-profit in late 2020.